Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to alleviate musculoskeletal issues, reduce inflammation and decrease recovery time. Most people think of this treatment for back and neck pain, but it can be for any joint in the body. Headaches, jaw pain, shoulder pain, feet issues, numbness and tingling are just a few other issues we can treat. [Read More]

Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST)
A gentle, hands on treatment to evaluate and treat restrictions within the craniosacral system, which inlcude the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. This can help with a wide range of issues from traumatic injuries to anxiety. [Read More]

Nutritional Consultations
Your diet and lifestyle determines your health. We will focus on what you need to promote self healing. This includes proper food choices, exercise, stress management and natural methods, such as supplements and herbs.
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Wondering what to expect on your first visit? Here’s a quick hello to see the office and the people you’ll be working with at Healing Hands Wellness Center.
How I can Help
People seek treatment for many reasons. Whether you have had a recent injury, experience chronic pain, are a competitive athlete, or just want to feel better, we can help. Do some of these statements sound like you?
“I don’t want to be ‘cracked’!”
Dr. Perry uses a variety of methods and techniques. She promises to start with the most gentle approach and work up, listening to what you and your body need.
“I’m exhausted…”
Chronic fatigue? Fibromayalgia? Menopausal symptoms? Thyroid issues? There are many possible reasons a person can feel exhausted. We will do a complete work-up and work together to find the root cause to guide you back to the best version of yourself.
“I’m just a mystery…”
Sometimes it takes time to figure out what is causing someone’s health challenge. We promise to listen and to explore options with you until you’re on the right track.
“Everything aches.”
Migraines? Headaches? Joint pain? Feet and hands going numb? Arthritis? When we look at you as a whole person we’ll find solutions to address your whole system. You might be surprised what’s causing your chronic aches and pains.

“Not only is Dr Perry very skilled in chiropractic, but she is kind and intuitive. I had never experienced cranial sacral therapy before. This was an unexpected treatment and the relief/release I’ve felt from it has been enormous. When my second son was born, I came in for an appointment 3 days postpartum. I really need the adjustment! I felt so much better. I believe it was an important part of my speedy recovery.”
“When I first came in I could hardly walk, could not sit and eat. Now after 12 visits I can return to the things I used to do. Through the use of her hands and method of chiropractic I have avoided surgery. Thanks for giving me my life back.”